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Eggnog & Emotional Health: A Festive Froth of Feel-Good Tips

National Eggnog Day

Ah, December—the time of year when eggnog flows as freely as holiday cheer (or at least as freely as your local grocery store’s supply chain allows). December 24th is National Eggnog Day, a time to celebrate the rich, frothy, and sometimes mysteriously spiked beverage that has graced holiday tables for centuries. But did you know that eggnog can teach us a thing or two about mental health? Let’s raise a cup of nog to some nog-inspired nuggets of wisdom! 

A Balanced Blend is Best

Eggnog isn’t just eggs, nor is it just nog (whatever that is). It’s a careful balance of milk, cream, sugar, and spices—a mix that creates something far greater than its individual parts. 

The same is true for our mental health. A balanced life includes a mix of work, relaxation, social connection, and self-care. Skip the sugar (joy) or overdo the cream (stress), and suddenly the mix is off. This holiday season, think about what ingredients you’re putting into your life’s “recipe” and adjust as needed.

Spice Things Up

No eggnog is complete without a dash of nutmeg or cinnamon. These spices are the tiny additions that take a simple drink to a festive experience. 

In the same way, small changes can have a big impact on your mental health. Adding something new to your routine—like a short daily walk, a few minutes of meditation, or even a random dance party to Mariah Carey—can infuse your days with a little extra joy.

Don’t Overfill Your Cup

As tempting as it is to pour yourself a heaping glass of eggnog, moderation is key. Too much of a good thing can leave you feeling sluggish (or rethinking that second helping of dessert).

When it comes to your mental health, the same principle applies. Overcommitting to holiday events, saying “yes” to every favor, or trying to be everyone’s Santa can lead to burnout. Remember, it’s okay to set boundaries. No one likes a spilled cup—or a frazzled holiday host.

Share the Cheer

Eggnog is best enjoyed with others (though no judgment if you’re sipping solo in your pajamas). Sharing traditions, laughter, and memories during the holidays can deepen connections and remind us of what’s truly important. 

If you’re feeling isolated, consider reaching out to a friend, neighbor, or even a mental health professional. Connection is the nutmeg of life—it adds warmth and flavor to everything.

Accept Variations

Not everyone loves traditional eggnog. Some prefer almond nog, oat nog, or no nog at all. And that’s okay! Different strokes for different folks.

This is a great reminder to embrace diversity—in eggnog recipes and in ourselves. We all cope with stress differently, celebrate differently, and need different things to feel our best. What works for you might not work for someone else, and that’s perfectly fine.

A Little “Spirited” Fun is Okay

Eggnog has a reputation for occasionally being spiked with a splash of rum or brandy. While it’s important to celebrate responsibly, this tradition serves as a cheeky metaphor: a little lightheartedness can go a long way. 

During stressful times, don’t forget to let yourself laugh, play, and enjoy. Humor is an underrated stress reliever—much like a well-timed dad joke or an accidentally-too-strong cup of nog.

So, as you sip your way through National Eggnog Day, take a moment to reflect on the simple joys and the life lessons tucked into that creamy cup. And if you find yourself needing a little extra support during this holiday season, remember that Bleuler Psychotherapy Center is here for you.

 Cheers to eggnog, emotional health, and a holiday season filled with balance, connection, and just the right amount of spice!

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